Friday, May 7, 2010

It Begins...

Inevitably, this blog will turn out to be a terrible idea. Here's why:

1. I am in law school, and I currently lack gainful post-graduate employment. I have learned from tales both confirmed and based on an extremely scientific Google search that blogging rarely has a positive effect on one's employment prospects. Further, good lawyers don't and future lawyers shouldn't feel feelings.

2. I have never "completed" a journal of any kind. One might be confused by the previous sentence. Can a journal ever be complete? The whole point is chronicling your thoughts as you have them when you please for as long as you please, isn't it? Unclear dear denizens of the Interwebz! Unclear!

But I do know that as a child who liked writing and books and other nerdy things, I would receive pretty blank notebooks with pictures of puppies, dragons, or metallic scrolls on the front for every birthday, holiday, and visit from an estranged relative. I would eagerly crack the front cover and leaf through dreamily, wondering what fantastic wonderful tales of boys and My Little Pony I would scrawl on its pages. I would write vicious warnings on the front three pages in hopes of deterring my twin brother from reading my diary, ripping out the juicy parts, and lit dropping the elementary school. These warnings would frequently include my most prized little friends from the Ultimate Dog Sticker Book, spruced up with drawings of fangs dripping with blood. I hope you were scared bro!

After much contemplation, I'd begin to write, introducing said brother and younger brother, my parents, my dog, hamster du jour and my latest list of crushes, in rank order of course. I would religiously write for one week, maybe two, debating pressing issues like whether I'd rather be a contestant on Global Guts or Legends of the Hidden Temple. I'd put it down for a while, and come back.. "So sorry dear diary, I didn't mean to abandon you. I was so busy practicing how I'd talk to Olmec when we meet." And I'd write for another week or two. And then one day, I'd ditch it in a drawer, never to be seen again. Six months later, I'd get a new book and repeat the cycle. Basically, FAIL. While this drawer is now highly entertaining, it was a huge waste of paper and one the first signs that I am a big fat quitter.

3. I have a relatively well-known and well-reasoned aversion to personal blogs. The fact that I was once prominently and embarrassingly featured on one such blog aside, I find most personal blogs self-indulgent, arrogant, and to put it bluntly, douchey.

Like how smug are you? All "I'm a serious writer. I will revel in my superiority as both a WRITER and an INTELLECTUAL! I will say flattering things about myself because it is the Internet and Internet bragging totally rocks! But I will not stop at bragging! NO! I will make fun of the fact that people I don't know that well read this out of curiosity, boredom and a desperate need to avoid learning the Federal Rules of Evidence. EVEN THOUGH THE LINK IS IN MY FACEBOOK PROFILE. I will make them feel awkward for mentioning my blog in casual conversation but will do so in a way that acknowledges the fact that my blog and I are basically the shit. I will reveal personal and embarrassing things about myself and others. These things are not the kind of thing one would ever say in person. That is because these things are not for sharing. But I will share, because I have a free internet blog and thus POWER! I WIN!!!"


4. I don't have a whole lot to say. I am an apolitical political science major who attends a relatively decent (see the douchery starts already!) law school but prefers gofugyourself to SCOTUSBlog. I totally missed the recent volcanic eruption because of finals, though I managed to follow Bethenny Frankel's wedding on Twitter pretty closely. I don't have a lot of hobbies, other than cheap wine, bantering with my boyfriend, and staying up way too late writing a personal blog that no one will read and I will likely abandon. Sometimes I feel pretty shallow compared to some of the people I know and I think that's cause I am. I don't have a lot of deep social commentary to make. Mostly guys, you should look forward to lots of cute pictures of puppies!!

OR puppies hugging rainbow bears.

5. I am not good at thinking up lists for blog posts.

Ciao for now.


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